Avoid These Mistakes While Speaking English

If English is not your mother tongue and its a second language, you are very likely to commit mistakes while speaking. It is quite natural. Don’t worry. The communication training program experts in Indonesia have pointed out some of the common mistakes people make while speaking English. According to them its all about having the knowledge about the errors that will make you a good English speaker.

We’ve pulled together the definitive list of everything you must know to avoid making mistakes while speaking English-

Much, more, less (some nouns occur only in the singular form)
Incorrect: There is much dusts. There is more courages. He had less funs.
Correct: There is much dust. There is more courage. He had less fun. 2.

Less, fewer (countable nouns)
Incorrect: There were less people.
Correct: There were fewer people.

Possession shared by two nouns
Incorrect: It was John’s and Peter’s car.
Correct: It was John and Peter’s car.

Incorrect: Give it to I. Jason and me took the class. He read as well as me.
Correct: Give it to me. Jason and I took the class. He read as well as I

Does v/s do
Incorrect: Why does they bother you a lot.
Correct - Why do they bother you a lot.

Pronoun Errors
Incorrect: Everybody must bring their own lunch.
Correct: Everybody must bring his or her own lunch.

Subject-verb Agreement
Incorrect:The list of items are on the desk.
Correct:The list of items is on the desk.

Joining the online leadership training in Indonesia is perhaps your best possible chance to hone your English speaking skills. Whenever you’re not sure how to use a word, look it up in a good dictionary to find example sentences with it. When you’ve written something, and you are not sure if it’s correct, search for it on the internet. Many students master the fine points of English grammar but find themselves at a loss when it comes to actually having a conversation with native speakers. Don’t forget that listening is the foundation for speaking.
